Result Measurement System

Result Measurement System

aBi’s Result Measurement System enables it to make projections and measure impact for the funders and other stakeholders. RM system is managed by the MRM team who work together closely with the program/Technical staff to ensure smooth implementation of the system. aBi’s RM system enables the program to articulate sector interventions into measurable causal models, known as “results chain” – from activity results all the way to the related impact results; construct qualitative and quantitative indicators for each result, develop monitoring plans, measure results and ensures usage of analyzed data and generated tacit information.  The purpose of RM system in aBi is:

  • To create effective feedback loops that enable aBi and its partners to “improve” portfolio performance (monitoring);
  • To design a robust evaluation framework that enables aBi to effectively “prove” its impact and attribution (evaluation);
  • To develop appropriate platforms, products and tools for dissemination of; lessons learned and promote knowledge sharing among all interested stakeholders (Learning & Knowledge Management).


Monitoring and Results Measurement is used at all levels of aBi portfolio to ensure accountability in the use of resources entrusted to aBi and its partners by providing a clear basis and evidence for decision making and practical lessons from experience to guide future developmental interventions.

Along with the RM System, aBi undertakes capacity development initiatives for its staff as well as it's implementing partners to equip them with appropriate skills and competencies that will enable them carry out effective measuring of results.

Key Steps in Results Measurement System

Component Performance goal for this component
Drawing intervention Results Chains Make Results Chains for each of the supported projects/interventions at the design time. Establish and maintain a network of structures responsible for MRM at the aBi.
Defining Indicators of change (IOC) Define the indicators of change at each level of the result chain and ensure indicators of the lower levels of the result chain link with the universal indicators of scale, income and full time equivalent jobs, which measure impact. Define generic indicators across sectors and Log frame, and define intervention specific indicators.
Projection of Results Predicting quantified changes based on well thought out assumptions and findings from market research, field observations and other credible sources, develop periodical (annual) MRM work plan including specific and costed MRM activities with targets to be achieved and identified sources of funding and use this plan for coordination and for assessing the progress of MRM implementation throughout the year.
Measurement Planning Develop and regularly update the Measurement plan for each Results Chain, clearly defining what to measure and why, including identified data needs, indicators of change, data collection procedures, tools and roles and responsibilities for implementation.
Data collection and analysis Produce timely and high-quality (valid, reliable and comprehensive) routine program measurement / monitoring data.
Aggregation of results Determine what will be aggregated; keep track of actual, achieved and projections; how long the impact will be measured and how overlaps will be dealt with and recorded. Develop and maintain MRM databases that will enable aBi staff, management, and Board to access relevant data for formulating policy and for managing and improving programs.
Reporting results, dissemination and use

Document the key changes in the indicators, so that they can be communicated to Donor, Board, Management staff and Program staff.

Key indicators are disaggregated by gender to the extent possible.

Disseminate and use of data from the MRM system to guide the formulation of policy and the planning and improvement of programs